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Small Grant Writing Workshop

The aim of the Small Grant Writing Workshop, organized by Junior Faculty, Uppsala University, is to give to the participants the opportunity to receive constructive feedback from their Faculty peers on a draft proposal for a small grant they are planning to submit.

The workshop will be hosted on Zoom and will be divided in two parts:

a) the kick-off meeting (Friday, August 30th, kl. 12.00-13.00): At the kick-off meeting, all participants should have prepared a draft of their proposal (max 1 page focusing on the purpose and aims). The participants will be divided into groups and sent into breakout rooms, where they will be able to get to know each other and present shortly their project to their group.

b) the follow-up meeting (Wednesday, September 11th, kl. 12.00-13.00): All participants will receive feedback from the other members of their group and discuss further any advice/comments they have received. Between the kick-off and the follow-up meeting, it is essential that all participants should devote sufficient time to give constructive and meaningful feedback to the proposals from the other members of their group, so the main aim of the workshop could be achieved.

For registrations, please, fill in the form below:


Deadline for registrations is Sunday, August 25th.

For questions, please, contact Junior Faculty.


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Visit us

We do not have a Junior Faculty office, if you wish to visit us, please e-mail us at juniorfaculty@bmc.uu.se
